Wearable technology to especially sell well in six industries ′웨어러블′시대 유망업종은?

Wearable technology to especially sell well in six industries ′웨어러블′시대 유망업종은?

And one of the hottest trends in the IT sector of late is wearables.
There′s another industry report suggesting that the market is going to expand greatly in the coming years… with all sorts of sectors including gaming and health care… benefitting a lot.
Kwon Soa has our next story.
There′s been a lot of hype about “wearable technology” but, for most consumers, its yet to make the leap to must-have gear.
However, market watchers believe it′s just a matter of time before the boom begins.
Leading professional services network, PricewaterhouseCoopers, in a recent report, forecast sales of some 1-hundred-30 million wearable devices between now and 2018.
It says 53 percent of so-called ′millennials′, those between the ages of 18 and 24, are excited about the technology.
PwC suggests six industries will see the greatest benefits from the rise in wearables.
Entertainment and media companies are expected to be the big winners… as the report says “where there′s a screen, there′s an opportunity.”
It might not be a revolutionary new genre, but analysts say it improves what′s already there… by enhancing the fun factor.
This factor plays right into the gaming industry, which will go beyond touch screens and incorporate other senses into the experience.
The healthcare sector is also expected to reap benefits by developing more devices for consumers to monitor themselves.
Social media, advertising, and retail businesses are also forecast to ride the wearable tech wave for profits.
So the forecast seems bright, but the industry does face some obstacles.
While the report says one in five U.S. adults already own a wearable device, it also revealed one-third of them didn′t use it very often… or even at all.
Analysts say the biggest challenge the industry faces is convincing consumers their wearable device is something they can′t leave home without.
Kwon Soa, Arirang News.

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